Mar 9, 2017 - By Sheila Raju

Update: New Features for Communities

Since launching a month ago, streamers and viewers have created thousands of Communities! We’re thrilled that so many of you have participated and are helping shape how Communities continue to develop. Based on your feedback, we want to highlight three new features that we’ve added to help you find the right Community: Search, Featured Communities, and Viewer & Streamer counts.


One of the most highly requested features, we’ve integrated Communities in search results.

Now, when you have a specific topic in mind, the relevant Community appears (along with Games, Live, Channels, and Videos). Use the Search bar at the top of the page to find Communities.

If Communities don’t appear in your Search results yet, stay tuned! You’ll be seeing them in the coming weeks.

Start searching now!

Search is perfect for when you have a specific interest in mind, but sometimes, you want to explore. To make it easier to find new streams, we released Featured Communities, a periodically updated selection of well-defined Communities to help you discover interesting streams and showcase the diversity of games, interests, and activities on Twitch.

Although Featured Communities include a wide array of topics, each of them have easily identifiable titles, rules, and descriptions so that you can quickly determine if a Community is right for you. Additionally, each of these Communities includes a variety of streamers, not just a single streamer or team, to help you discover and browse a range of broadcasts related to the Community topic you’re interested in! Learn more about how the criteria for Featured Communities. Quickly browsing and determining whether a Community matches your interest is now easier. Check out Featured Communities here!

As always, any viewer or streamer can create a Community, and all relevant Communities appear in Search results. To reach Communities that are not featured, just click the “All” tab.

Streamer and Viewer Counts

Determining which Community you should stream to depends on several factors, including the other streams and viewers in a particular Community. That’s why we added streamer and viewer counts that are visible in the Broadcaster Dashboard and in the Communities directory.

This additional context gives you the ability to select which Community is the best fit for your broadcast.

Your feedback has been essential in helping us make these improvements to Communities, and we’re just getting started! Stay tuned for more updates.

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