May 7, 2014

Introducing: Tavern Takeover, bi-monthly Hearthstone tournaments by PVP Live!

We’re happy to announce on behalf of PVP Live that the very first Tavern Takeover Hearthstone tournament takes place this weekend, May 10th, 2014 at 1PM PDT! This isn’t a one-time-deal — these 8 Player Invitational Hearthstone competitions are happening twice a month, every month, with $3,000 in cold hard cash on the line.

PVP Live has brought together some of the best players in Hearthstone to battle it out. These competitors will have to beat some big names at the tavern to even stand a chance at winning a dime. What big names, you might ask? Kungen, ek0p, Savjz, Realz, Puffin, ThatsAdmirable, Reynad, and Trump. Yeah, we thought you’d recognize them.

Tavern Takeover offers a Hearthstone community experience that ensures that viewers of the tournament will see top-notch shoutcasting from Isaac Cummings-Bentley, better known in the gaming world as Azael. Tune in this Saturday 1PM PDT at and look for more on upcoming Tavern Takeover events!

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