Twitch app for Xbox 360 now available in UK, Canada, and Australia
Our Xbox 360 app has spread its wings and soared over mountains and many oceans to give your Xbox 360 and big screen TV a greater sense of purpose. Make sure to program all your food delivery favorites into your phone because you’re not leaving the house! (We won’t let you. Seriously, we can see your every move through Kinect.)
The Twitch app for Xbox 360 serves 700+ channels for your viewing pleasure. With our transition to HLS not far away, soon this number will soar astoundingly higher. We continue to iterate on this app to bring it more functionality, such as your Following list.
Xbox LIVE Gold subscribers can now watch the Twitch app for Xbox in the following countries:
United States Canada United Kingdom Ireland Australia New Zealand
Our original blog on the Twitch app for Xbox 360 can be found here.